Probably the easiest and fastest job from the entire project.
After one weekend of hobbying the M3 was just a bare shell with too much airconducts…
Fortunately Frank had taken about 300 pictures while we were searching so we did not encounter very big surprises. We knew that the car was not new anymore and the killer named “rust” has made some holes on the usual E30 spots.
We were happy not to find any leftovers from a previous unmentioned crash..
Dirk and Luc were planning to pick up rallying again since quite a while. Dirk wanted to say karting goodbye because father and trainingpartner Denis had some health issues. The karts were sold and a new adventure was born…
Dirk and Luc were argueing about he make and model of the car before finding a compromise but the mean idea to start a rally team both agreed on.
Our website got a new location today.
From now on , will take care of our hosting.
Welcome on!
On this site visitors will be able to follow the progress and results of the R-Box rally team.
Enjoy !